Monday, September 7, 2009

The beginning of the dream

On the 24th of August 2008, my mother died, three days after being diagnosed with cancer. Our lives have never been the same again.... not just the family but the whole community in my village. She was the most generous person I knew and had tried to do her best to help the women in my village and the whole district at large. She led christian conferences where life within the family was discussed and we watched her over the years giving food to the people who were poor and providing free milk to children whose mothers couldn´t afford to buy any and also to the children whose mothers had died during childbirth. On the day she was laid to rest, the beginning of a period of long soul searching began for me and ended with the birth of My Can Will Change a Life. We want to take up from where she left and because we have more resources in our hands, we want to do something that will change the lives of families once and for all. This means that instead of just giving handouts, we are going to educate and empower the people to make good use of the resources they have, we are going to support their endeavours to fight poverty and we are going to build a hospital that is greatly needed; a hospital that I wish my mother had lived to use. We will also help in the completion of the church still being built on the piece of land my parents donated to the African Inland Church. So, I pray that for you, this journey of transforming lives will be as exciting and as fulfilling as it is for us at My Can Will Change a Life!!!!

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