Thursday, September 18, 2014


I cant believe that it has been that many years since mama went to be with the Lord.This year, the anniversary fell on the exact day that she left us 6 years ago. 6 years ago!!! and there isn't a day that goes by that I dont think about her. Hard as this day usually is,something else tragic happened......I lost a cousin, a very young cousin.

 I made a call to her mother [my aunt]and what she said hit me like a brick.She was on her way to the mortuary in KITALE!!That was on the 25th Aug 2014. This conversation took me back six years to the exact date and day when, my mum was being taken to the mortuary in KITALE!!!25th Aug 2008.To experience that again, hurt so bad, for in my dream I thought that by now we would have a morgue in mt Elgon. I felt like I had failed. I have been dealing with these feelings since then but, I have come to the realization that God knows me and He knows you.He created us and so knows us physically, emotionally and spiritually and He knows that because we are human and mortal all these things we plan can crumble at any given time. In the last two weeks or so, it has also been liberating for me because I am beginning to grasp how God makes allowances in our humanity.We are weak...God isn't. We are shaky....God isnt. In short we are undecided, doubtful, fleeting and concentrate on things that aren't important but, imagine God still has compassion.He is the rock that centres us.

 It is easy for me to look back at the time elapsed and think that it[my dream] will never happen but this tragic event in my life has been a reminder that I still have work to do.I know for sure that the dream I have for mt Elgon will come to pass for our God is all powerful and all knowing and with him nothing is impossible.

 We buried my cousin on the 6th of sept, the exact day mama was laid to rest 6 years. The two weeks before her burial, I was consumed by thoughts about my own mortality. I felt like I was reliving the experience of my mothers death and for me there was a lesson to be learnt.

 I now know for sure that when your time is up, people you are close enough with in this life will react in some way, and their reaction, will be based upon how you touched their lives or lack thereof.So, I keep asking myself what will the impact of my death be? I pray to God that the impact of my passing on, will evoke wonderful reactions and memories. I want people who knew me to be glad that our paths crossed and that they can carry on with what God began in me......service to others. 

What do you want your impact to be?

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