Friday, November 20, 2009

MY STORY----From a village in Mt Elgon Kenya.

I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. I choose to risk my significance; to live so that which comes to me as seed goes to the next as blossom and that which comes to me as blossom, goes on as fruit.
Dawna Markova

My beloved friends,

This seed died on August 24th 2008.

On that afternoon, a phone call from thousands of miles away in Africa informed me that cancer had claimed one more victim, my mama. Diagnosed on Aug 21st, this pillar whose strength I had learned to take for granted would only last three more days. Weird as it may sound, on the day that Mama was buried, I knew that a new, different, purpose -filled journey of my life had begun.

My name is Faustine Kipkech, a first born among five. My father, Isaac Kipkech Naibei, lives in Kenya with my siblings. I came to the U.S.A to pursue higher education (BSN), I am a registered nurse (RN) and currently enrolled at the Lawson State Community College. Stating that my life’s path has changed, with all that I have been through this last year, is quite an understatement.

Personal Search

Oscar Wilde, the Irish writer aptly remarked that, “All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his”, an apt summary, of the legacy my mama left behind.

“My Can will Change a Life” is a project that was born from a desire to provide hope and love to the people of my village, in Mt Elgon (Kenya), especially the mothers and children. With the help of my dear friends, “My Can will Change a Life” is a collective initiative of people working together to bring changes in the lives of a community I so dearly treasure.

Through this initiative, we will help dig wells, educate my community about the dangers of girl-child circumcision (Female Genital Mutilation), finish the construction of a church mama and dad were building for the community, and most importantly build a hospital. This is the one thing I wish Mama had lived to see and use.

These long term dreams can come true if, all of you can help me realize my short term objective of collecting 30 million aluminum cans and raising funds from selling them. I do realize that there will be many challenges, but none that I am not willing to face. No challenges exist that our collective effort cannot surmount. I am humbly asking all of you to help me collect these cans and realize a dream for my people.

Though I intend to continue my pursuit of education, self-fulfillment cannot be solely driven by scholastic achievement; it has to be backed by a higher purpose. Life cannot be constant receiving. That only creates a Dead Sea- all inlets but no outlet! That is why I intend to use every bit of knowledge I already posses, and the wealth of gifts and talents that God has abundantly blessed me with, to help impact others – like I have similarly benefited.

This dream is wholly driven by the admiration I had for mama and what she did, single-handedly and without resources, for the children and women of my village. I now have a clear purpose, which is shaped and guided by God, the respect I have for my host country America and the love I have for my home continent of Africa.

Realizing the limitations of a written page, I would be privileged if you gave me a platform to share my story. And, with just a can, you will help bring a lifetime of hope to the suffering mothers and the needy children of my beloved community.

Thank you and God bless you.


  1. Iwish you all the best, your dream will change the lives of many here in kenya particularly residence of war torn areas of mt elgon.God had a reason to send you to the united states of america.GOD bless.EVANS CHOLE. KENYA

  2. Thank you Mr Sansthan for you wishes and I do wish you Gods best in whatever you are doing.

  3. Thank you Mr Chole, I really appreciate your support. It is my prayer that I will do something for the people of Mt.Elgon.The place that gave me the best parents on earth.
