Friday, November 20, 2009


This is basically how our traditional home looks like and this is pretty much a representation of our community.
This particular structure funtions as a kitchen by the day and a bedroom at night.

The blankets you see spread is probably all the family has as their bed linen. It is shared amongst 6-8 members of the family.

Typical family setting. The little house structures is all this family has. It is their kitchen, their living room and their bedroom.They have so little but never complain. They make do with what they have because they do not know any other way of life and/or have no means to make it better

Ooh, how I wish I could give them the world because they are so deserving. This community, this community that I so dearly love carries mothers and children with great potential and given the opportunity there are boundless possibilities. This is the community that gave me the greatest mother ever and it is a community that she loved to her death. It is going to be up to you and me to make a difference.

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